school supplies
- 1½" Looseleaf Binder
- Looseleaf Paper: Wide-ruled
- 5 Pocket Dividers
- 6 Pocket Folders
- 3-ring Pencil Case for Binder
- Marble Notebooks
- Graph Paper
- Index Cards
- Sheet Protectors
- 12 inch Ruler
- Protractor
- Sharpened #2 Pencils/Mechanical Pencils
- Black and/or Blue Pens
- Post-it Notes (2")
- Highlighters
- Index Cards
- Graph paper (7th and 8th grades)
To Be Kept in School:
- 1" binder for ELA portfolio
- 1 box of tissues
- Headphones with standard audio jack to plug into computer
To Be Kept at Home:
- Construction paper, colored pencils, washable markers, glue sticks, scissors